2016 Goals: Personal & Blogging


With the arrival of the new year, it seems appropriate to let you know what my goals are for this year including blogging and personal. These include targets I have set for my blog as well as things I want to change in my own life.


  • Continue to try my best in everything I do.
  • Don't feel guilty for taking time out to look after myself.
  • Do more exercise and eat healthier
  • Get a job
  • Spend more time photographing, whether that be as a hobby or for my blog.
  • Have more 'me' days
  • Read 25 books.

  • Continue to write and publish posts that I am proud of.
  • Increase reader activity - comments.
  • Improve the quality of my writing - especially in reviews.
  • Comment more on other people's blogs.
  • Add an image to my author profile (I've been trying to for so so long).

I'd love to hear about your goals for this year so feel free to tell me them in the comments!

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