Reviewing 2015


Dear Me,

So you've made it through one of the most challenging and life changing years so far. You've experienced your final year at secondary school and embarked on your journey into college - no you may not be fully enjoying it but you've already survived a term! Throughout this year, you were challenged to balance revision for your GCSEs alongside looking after your own mental state, which at times yes you did get wrong but you made it through the other side fighting even stronger. You also said goodbye to some people you hold dear all for the future you are now setting off on and yes you still are struggling to adjust but eventually it will get easier.
This year you also pushed yourself further than you have previous years with NCS playing a large part in this. By doing NCS, you found your voice again and speaking up is suddenly less scary - you still have a way to go but at least you know you now can. You have also met some incredible people who will hopefully continue to be in your life for the year that is about to begin and for many more to come. You also tried activities that you never thought you would including wake boarding and coasteering, that at the time seemed terrifying but now are so glad you did.
You have also found the adjustment from secondary school to college incredibly difficult, with a shift in friendship group, absence of your best friend and leaving teachers you adored behind but still you continue to try everyday. Even if you have been struggling with the exam side of your A Levels, you have found finally learning about subjects that interest you has been incredibly beneficial with broadening your knowledge of that particular area and in doing so have met some wonderful people that share the same interests as you.
Throughout the year you have also spent more time focusing on your blog's content and presentation leading you to be incredibly proud of the work you have been putting in and the results you have been seeing. This includes taking a leap with a completely new design and working more closely with the html of the template to make it the best you can. At times you have spent hours trying to figure out the answer to the problem that has been bugging you for only the smallest change but to you, makes all the difference.
So now looking to the future, all you can hope for is for college to get easier or at least easier to cope with but to also to continue pushing yourself to your boundaries and then go even further. Let this year be the year you gain even more of your confidence back and let your voice be heard instead of hiding behind the shyness you have become accustomed too. Let it be a year where you continue to work your hardest whilst still looking after your mental health because ultimately that is as important as ensuring your happiness.
2015 this is farewell, you have been a year I'm sure I won't forget for all of your ups and downs but let those lessons learnt be carried into the future.

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