Album Review: Pharmacy [8]


Artist: Galantis
Album Title: Pharmacy
Genre: Electronic
Tracks Standard: 13
Tracks Deluxe: -
Buy It: Amazon iTunes 

I have been so excited to review this ever since I heard that Galantis were releasing an album so here we go! The album as a whole features a whole range of different sounds and styles throughout - some are much more upbeat such as Forever Tonight whereas there are also some slower tracks in comparison such as Gold Dust. Every time I have listened to this album it has put me in a really happy mood and therefore wins me over straight away!
My favourite tracks on the album are Kill 'Em With The Love and Runaway (U & I).
Kill 'Em With The Love really stands out to me on the album because the sound is different to the tracks previous and that follow it. I really like the message of the track as well - it is basically what the title of the song suggests. Asides from that, the chorus of the track is very upbeat as you would expect on a dance album but it blends together really well with the verses. This means that the build ups to the chorus flows well together.
Runaway (U & I) is the most recent single released from the album but one that I have loved listening to for a while. I really like that all of the sections in the track are different and therefore it is always changing, keeping me interested. I find that the track is also really easy to sing along with and I can imagine it being a great track to play in a live set and get incredible feedback from the crowd. It also follows the theme of putting me in a good mood whenever I listen to it as well as being something I find so easy to listen to in any situation.
To summarise, the entire album never fails to put me in a good mood whenever I listen to it which I find incredibly easy to do.

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