Guest Post: Summer Goals


I got another one of my friends to write a guest post for you all as I am still very busy and haven't had much time to sit down and write. Her post is about the things she would like to achieve in the summer, enjoy!

My whole year group has now finished secondary school, our GCSE exams are all over, and we have a ten week summer holiday that is now in full swing! This, of course, is extremely exciting however I always feel as though I have wasted my summer when we go back to school in September. Therefore, I have devised a list of 'goals' or things I want to do this summer before I start college:

See my friends - I know this seems like quite a mundane thing, but I feel like now more than ever it is really important that I keep in contact with those friends who I value greatly and may not see as much at college, or even those who I will see! This summer is the perfect opportunity to spend every spare moment with people who mean a lot to me - with a couple of my best friends we have agreed to do something at least once a week.

Take lots of photos and videos - Something that our generation does a lot is photograph everything. Sunsets, meals, parties, every detail is captured. However, an aspect of photography that I feel is not covered enough is video. My mum has so many home videos of me from when I was little, which are so cute to look back on, but I hardly have any videos of me and my friends, so that is something I aim to do more!

Read lots - I've always been someone who does a lot of reading and I really enjoy doing so! But, since revision took over my life, this has been shoved to the bottom of my priority list. However, since being on holiday so far I have read all of the Maze Runner series - I am just finishing the prequel - and I loved it!

Despite only having three things on my list that I can think of, there are probably way more that I could add and probably will do.

Thank you for reading:
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Written by Ellie Taylor

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