Guest Post: The Passing Of Time


As I am away on NCS currently, I asked a few of my friends to write a couple of posts for this blog whilst away. Today I have my best friend writing about her experiences and thoughts with time. I hope you enjoy reading it as I thoroughly did!

Time is kind of the scariest concept of them all. Forget monsters under the bed or thunder storms or anything else that could be deemed as scary. Because fears change throughout life, but time is a constant, always there and always evident. For example, I have just finished school, which is crazy because it feels like yesterday that I was walking through the doors on my first day with fellow teeny eleven year olds anxious to be assigned a big kid to show them to their class. But it was five years ago.  Five entire years. And that concept is so very bizarre because five years ago that was happening, however five years into the future I will nearly be twenty two which seems so much further away than the comforting and familiar age of eleven. But whilst time is a very relevant fear of mine right now, it is also extremely comforting to know that certain aspects or times in my life are over or will be over soon, or at least will be over one day.
I had awful anxiety about going in to school five years ago, whereas now, five years ahead, I have embraced every day of school with a smile (if a slightly reluctant smile some days) because of its familiarity and safety, and I know that despite being sad about the end of such a long five years, this sadness won't last forever and very soon there will new things to consume the excitement/happiness cortex of my brain.
The passing of time is scary and is sometime the worst thing imaginable. But it is mainly exciting and unknown, often unknown in the best of ways.

Written by Georgina Dent.

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