2014 Favourites: Albums


This year has been another fabulous year for music and as part of my 2014 Favourites series, I am going to be sharing with you my top 5 albums of 2014. I would just like to point out that these are my opinions and will not follow usual top album trends. Hope you enjoy reading it!

5. Professor Green - Growing Up In Public / PVRIS - White Noise.
For my number five album I couldn't choose which of the two to feature. I felt like both of these albums deserved a mention but it's difficult to compare two albums that are of a completely different genre.
Firstly for Professor Green's album, as I mentioned in a previous post which you can read here, I think it is his best album so far. There is such a range of sounds on the album and includes lyrics that will make you chuckle along with him. My favourite songs from the album are Can't Dance Without You and Little Secrets. Can't Dance Without You is a really upbeat track and is great to lift the mood when you are feeling down. Little Secrets is about cheating in a relationship but it is performed in such a way that it doesn't put you down. It has also just been released as Professor Green's next single.
PVRIS' album is one that I have come across in the past few weeks but I do think is utterly incredible and is worthy of a spot on this list. PVRIS are a combination of rock and electronic - which is probably my favourite genre - and I'm sure you will see posts emerging about them in the future. Every song on the album is one that I could see being a future hit because they are all incredible. However, I do have favourites and those are; My House and St. Patrick - both tracks I think are incredible!

4. David Guetta - Listen
Listen by David Guetta is also an album that I have mentioned recently but as I mentioned, I loved it an awful lot therefore deserving a place on this list. I have also written a post about this album which you can read here. As mentioned in the post, I felt like this album had a really positive energy about it even when singing about topics such as heartbreak. I also found that this album was really uplifting on a Monday morning when you feel a bit down under.
The vocalists on the album fit the track that they were set on and I could't imagine anyone else doing the vocal on any of the tracks. It is an album that I highly recommend.

3. Royal Blood - Royal Blood
Royal Blood's album was one that I waited for a while and when it was released I was not disappointed at all. I think that the album was incredible throughout and I don't think that there was a single weak track. My favourites tracks were Little Monster and Come On Over. I think that both tracks have a brilliant raw sound to them and the vocal is great throughout.
Royal Blood were part of MTV Brand New 2014 and MTV did well to choose them. Their set at Reading and Leads this year was also incredible. The duo have continued to deliver throughout the entire year and I am sure that they will continue to do so throughout the upcoming year.

2. Mallory Knox - Asymmetry
Choosing between the album for second and first place I found very difficult because I feel that both albums are very similar. However, I finally settled for Mallory Knox with their new album this year called Asymmetry for number two. I really love the sound of this album and the variation throughout.  My favourite tracks from the album are Lonely Hours and Shout At The Moon.
I really like the sound that Lonely Hours has. This is because of the calm beginning to the track before going into a much more raw sound with the drums. I also really like the lyrics throughout the song which I find are so beautiful - to do with love and heartbreak. This song ended up being one the early tracks I had listened to from the album, mostly because I left my iPod on shuffle. However, I couldn't bring myself to change the track - it appealed so much. The people I have spoken to about the album have said that they really enjoy this track.
Shout At The Moon was the initial track that I heard on the radio that made me look further into Mallory Knox. Likewise to Lonely Hours, I really like the raw sound that comes from the combined sound of the guitars and drums. Again, I really like the lyrics that go along with the track.

1. Lower Than Atlantis - Lower Than Atlantis
For my favourite album of 2014 I have chosen the new self titled album from Lower Than Atlantis. I love the tracks on this album because I know I can listen to them at anytime. I really like the sound of the album, likewise to Asymmetry the combined sound of the drums and guitars is brilliant. My favourite tracks from the album are Criminal and Damn Nation.
Both tracks are very raw with their sound. Granted Damn Nation starts quite quietly however the rawness of the sound comes through in the chorus of the song. I also really like the lyrics to this song, in particularly: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. There's something about that line that I find very appealing and true. Even though Damn Nation is one of the heavier songs from the album, I feel like I can still listen to it in the morning without being too loud.
Criminal is also very raw sounding with guitars and drums. I also find the song catchy as I have had stuck in my head multiple times in the months that I have been listening to the album. I quite often have the bridge in my head which goes: yes son we're gonna get some, action, you distract them and I will attack them.
I don't know what it is about that section that I find so catchy. I highly recommend this album - I would considering it's my number one album of 2014!


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