Reviewing 2016's Goals


Although I haven't been able to post that much this year, for reasons that shall be explained at another time, I still wanted to review the goals I set at the beginning of 2016.

I feel that some of the goals I set at the beginning of the year have been met whereas others have not. I have continued to try my best in various aspects, with a particular focus academically on my A Levels. I also got a job, it is only a seasonal position which allows me to continue to focus on college during term time but also means I am more productive in my holiday although as a result I don't really feel like I get a break. To some extent, I also spent more time photographing particularly alongside my Media A Level which is part of the course but also outside of college and again is something I want to carry on pursuing throughout next year. I have also been taking more care in my Instagram, sharing the photos I take.

However, that's where meeting my targets end. Although I did try and make more time for myself, I probably didn't take out as much time as I should have, often leading to myself to feel particularly stressed with the college workload. On occasion, I exercised but again is something I still know I need to work on. However, I have tried to make a more conscience effort to pay attention to what I eat and admittedly it varies between having a good diet and treating myself way to much. One goal I failed terribly at though was reading 25 books, in which I only managed to read one book...As much as I enjoy reading, I just don't find that I have the time or motivation as a result of college. I definitely want to get back into reading, I just don't have the time at the moment.

I think it is also fair to say that I failed all of my blogging goals for this year considering I was unable to post that much this year, predominantly again as a result of college and lack of time afterwards. Again, I do want to get back into blogging because it is something I enjoy but for the moment I just don't have the time to do so. The only reason I can really at the moment is because I decided not to work over Christmas so I actually have some free time which I desperately needed.


Hopefully I will be able to get back into blogging on a more regular basis soon but until then, I hope you have a brilliant Christmas (or whatever holiday you do or don't celebrate) and New Year.

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