Album Review: Automatic [9]


Artist: Don Broco   Album Title: Automatic   Genre: Rock   Release Date: 7 August 2015
Buy It: iTunes Deluxe | Amazon
Automatic is the eagerly awaited second album from Don Broco and one that I have been very excited to listen to after hearing the band's first album, Priorities. The album shows a large development in Don Broco's sound in comparison to their debut - Automatic displays a much larger range of styles throughout the entire album. Because of this, I can say that I much prefer Automatic to Priorities as there is always something different in every track whilst still capturing the rock essence.
My favourite tracks on the album are Tough On You and Fire.
One of the main things I love about Tough On You is the contrast between the verses and the chorus. The verses of the track are much calmer whereas the chorus captures the raw and layered sound that I talk about so often and that I love an awful lot. I also love the lyrics, once again especially in the chorus. I do like the verses as they add more to the story in terms of lyrics but overall I much prefer the chorus.
Fire on the other hand has the raw sound from the very moment that the track begins. Likewise to Tough On You, I prefer the chorus to the verse simply because I find it so easy to sing along as well as it putting me in a good mood afterwards. I can also see this track being incredible live with the crowd shouting the lyrics back at the band.
I also found that all of the tracks on the album flow really well together making Automatic a thoroughly enjoyable listen. I would highly recommend Automatic as I love it ever since its release!

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