To My Best Friend


To My Best Friend,
I am worried. Worried that in the next two years of college that I will be replaced. I worry that your obsessions and terrible jokes will be directed towards someone else and that I will gradually be shut out of your life. I worry that someone else will come along and be a better friend than I have, leaving you to move on.
I am terrified. I am terrified to face college life without you, terrified that I won't be able to run to you during the day and pour my heart out with my concerns. I just want you there with me, guiding me and helping me through each day as I know I will struggle.
I am unsettled. Unsettled that in your time of need, I won't be there to attempt to cheer to you up and take your mind off your troubles. Likewise, that you will not be there to do the exact same thing for me - this brings me a great amount of discomfort. I am largely unsettled by not knowing who to turn to in my hour of need. Before it was so simple, I'd know where you would be but now you are at a distance that I can not travel in my lunch break.
I am sad. I am saddened by the fact that I can't tell you things as soon as they happen, to tell you the funny stories that happen and to share my success with you instantly. But mostly, I am saddened by the fact that I won't be able to walk into form everyday and see you, spend my breaks and free time with you.
I am hopeful. Hopeful that whilst you are reading this that you are aware of how much I love you and want you in my life for many years to come. I don't want you to become 'that person I was best friends with in secondary school', I want you to be my life long best friend! I want our friendship to survive and to become one that other people are envious of. But most importantly, as long as I have you around I will be much happier then if you were not.

Lots of love

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