Guest Post: Moving On Up


Here is the final guest post I have for you at the moment - it is about concerns about moving into a new environment, enjoy!

As someone who is about to move on to college (or Year 12) one of my main concerns is not how I'll find my way around; how hard the subjects will be but actually, how do I make friends?
It may seem like such a stupid concept to be preoccupied about but I've spent the last five years of my life with the same group of people. To be suddenly thrown into a mix of thousands more students, where I am not guaranteed to know anyone reminds me completely and utterly of my first day at secondary school - I moved from a different country and was, seemingly, the only girl with a friend. Of course, it did not take me long to make friends but that doesn't seem to reassure me, five years later. What I am concerned about, stupidly, is that I have lost the ability to make friends. How do I just go up and talk to someone? How can I make them like me? What is it that attracted my old friends to me? How will I know they are the right friends for me?
With all these, among hundreds of other questions swirling around my head, it is no wonder people dread leaving school and moving onto higher education.
However, despite all the worries that niggle at the back of my brain about my future I am also incredibly excited to leave my secondary school, not because I didn't enjoy i - I loved school and will always have fond memories of it - but because it is all part of my 'growing up' and despite the fact that I do not want to be burdened with the responsibilities of being an adult, the anticipations of the worlds that open up to you as you grown up is thrilling! I just recently received a booklet about my course (International Baccalaureate) and was able to learn more about what I will be studying; the possible trips I will take, the induction days...All that have contributed to a feeling of excitement, even if I can't decide what outfit I should wear on the first day...first impressions, right?!
I suppose what I am trying to say is that although you may, like me, not want to leave the security and routine of school and old friendships behinds, the future is exciting! You will be meeting new people, admiring new faces, experiencing new things and that should be a good thing! I hope anyone moving on in one way or another in their lives, enjoys the change!

Written by Billie Powell

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