Album Review: Forever [7]


Artist: Alesso
Album Title: Forever
Release Date: 25 May 2015
Genre: Electronic
Tracks Standard: 14
Tracks Deluxe: 17
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iTunes Standard
iTunes Deluxe

Forever is an album that I am struggling to review honestly as I have quite a lot of conflicting feelings towards it. For me, the album starts off slowly with the only new material the audience hearing being two introduction tracks which admittedly didn't get me hooked straight away. The album then follow with Heroes, Tear The Roof Up and Cool - all songs that the audience has already heard before and unless the listener particularly loves those songs, can loose interest in the album quite quickly. Saying all that, Forever does redeem itself when the new music is played - from Cool onwards. The tracks that I hadn't heard before impressed me more and enabled me to continue listening to the album with some interest.
A particular favourite of mine on the album was Sweet Escape which I mentioned in my May 2015 Music Favourites: Part Two. As I said in that review, I love the combination of instruments used to create a different sound to something I would expect from Alesso or to what I usually listen to. The meaning behind the song I also find beautiful! It about being free to do what you want with nothing to get in the way; Nothing can stop us now. I really like songs that have the concept as I find them really empowering and give me the motivation I can quite often need to just do what I want and not worry about other people.
Another track I like on the album is In My Blood*. This track always makes me want to dance and just have a good time as I feel like it would be such a good song in aa DJ set. In My Blood features many different layers of sounds which I have always said ends up being the tracks I love the most simply because it has so much variation. The track stands out even more because it is much more upbeat than  the track previous and following - it also has the ability to get stuck in your head. One thing I would say about In My Blood is that I feel like the drop could have been done a bit better - the sound of it becomes very distorted to the rest of the track and I'm not sure if I like that. Saying that, it does make that particular section of the song stand out even more.
Overall, I think that the album takes a while to get going but once is does it sounds great!

*At the time of writing this there were no uploads of the track that were suitable to link.

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