Am I An Introvert Or An Extrovert?


Am I An Introvert Or An Extrovert is a question I find myself asking a lot. When it comes to everyone else or group contributions I am definitely and introvert; I hate it so much! An example of this happened a few days ago:
We were in one of our lessons and I had an answer to the question that the teacher had just asked the class, however I didn't want to put my hand up and say it because I hate the contribution. The person I sat next to heard my whisper the answer to the question and said that I should put my hand up in which I replied that I hated group contributions. He then put up his hand and told the teacher my answer acknowledging the fact that it was mine. My teacher then gave up both merits and told me to contribute more but from my end its not quite that simple.
On the more extroverted side of things, when I am around my close friends and people I trust that I can be myself, I completely let myself go and its like nothing was ever introverted. Of course, this occurrence isn't very often but I am trying to find ways to make it happen more often so that I can slowly become more extroverted again.
I feel like I should explain what being introverted and extroverted is just in case you don't know (if you do feel free to skip to the next paragraph). Being an introvert means that you are particularly shy and don't enjoy contributing in group topics or maybe in more extreme cases at all. Being extroverted means that you are a very bold character and can be very loud and not care what other may think. At least that's how I look at the difference between the two.
I don't know why over the past few years I have become more introverted quite rapidly in my eyes. Its gotten to a point in which I won't contribute my answers or ideas in lessons which results in my report being put down and it takes me a while to adjust to a new teacher which means I won't ask for help if I don't feel comfortable. This has meant that I have stayed in the same group when I could of gotten moved up because I have never had that teacher and I feel like I will be back to square one.
Starting college next year freaks me out a lot mainly because I will have to start with the build up of these relationships all over again. How do you even make friends again?
I think one factor that has contributed to this is that I was part of a friendship group in which one member was extremely extroverted and loud and would always but in to what other people were saying. This would then lead me on to not saying anything whilst being around that person which has now had a lasting affect.
Thankfully, now I am out of that situation and I try to avoid it as much as possible if the situation ever arises. I would recommend you all do the same if you have a similar problem.


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